Our Vision

Creating an environment through innovation and technology to bring families together, allowing them to practice filial piety and preserving the memories of their ancestors.

From the Past to the Future

Constant evolution and breakthroughs are the essences of success and prosperity. Singapore’s economic history has testified to this statement, continually innovating. Interestingly, the columbarium industry has a different pace of progress despite the growing demand from society. Singapore land scarcity and generations’ unmet expectations of memorial services drive Goldhill memorial to pioneer a new age of columbarium service.


Tombs & Burial

The oldest conventional processes - tombs and burials have gone obsolete as Singapore experiences land scarcity and gentrification. Many families have endured the high cost of maintenance and long trips to performing their memorial services.

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Government Columbarium

The government thus developed a columbarium that systematically organizes niches into clusters.

Peak seasons often result in visitors having to share the public spaces, making them vulnerable to weather conditions as they wait for their turn to pay respect to their ancestors.

Premium Columbarium China

Premium Columbarium

In response to the increased demands, the industry procured a recent solution that not only optimizes space but offers a much more comfortable environment for a memorial service.

Tradition and Beliefs - "入土为安"

According to the traditions, after one has passed away, it is believed that one's body should be laid to rest underground. Entering the earth results in a peaceful resting place for the soul, as captured in the Chinese idiomatic expression "入土为安". As for souls that were without a proper burial, they would end up wandering about as a "hungry ghost".

It is due to land scarcity in Singapore that many traditional cemeteries were exhumed and that most government & private columbariums are now built above ground level. Despite the shift has been widely accepted now, there are still those who are unable to accept and depart from the practice of grave burial.

The Future is HERE!

Goldhill Memorial Centre is the pinnacle of columbarium development and is presenting a leap in family experience. It is the only columbarium in Singapore that offers total privacy, at the same time catering to the people's cultural needs and preferences.

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Learn more about our services

Our sales team will be glad to bring you for a tour around Goldhill Memorial Centre and share more details about our niches packages. Feel free to contact our hotline at +65 6250 8088 / +65 8428 0801 to book an appointment with us.